Best Heavy Equipment Rental Near Me

The cost of heavy equipment is very varied depending on the type and type to rent.

Furthermore, the rental duration will also affect the overall accumulation of costs. Let’s see the list through the next article.

Heavy equipment is one of the most vital equipment in the construction process.

After all, for example, the project you handle is large-scale and requires speeds of working time.

Not only that, but heavy equipment was also often used to tear down old houses to make better housing.

Well, before you know the heavy equipment rental near me, it may be wise to know first what type of heavy equipment currently exists.

Kind of Heavy Equipment for Construction

Below are some of the kind of weights that you know about the rent, which is:

1. Bulldozers

Heavy Equipment Rental Near Me

Bulldozers are the tools that go into the ground. Bulldozers are used to drive the excavated soils, either forward or sideways, or as a stockpile of materials.

Related: Heavy Equipment Operator Jobs Description and 3 Most Recent Guidelines

Additionally, this heavy equipment can also be used to clear fields of wood, rock, and tree poles. Bulldozer are also called front end dozer, because

There was bucket at the dozer section.

It consists of two types of dozers that use crawler tractor dozer and dozer that use rubber wheels (whell tractor dozer).

There’s a special dozer that’s been used for work in the bayou, and it’s called a bulldozer.

The use of the bulldozers had the advantage of being able to carry very heavy loads.

Unfortunately, this heavy contraption can only be used for short mileage.

Bulldozers have several differences between a bucket wheel and a rubber wheel.

The last thing a bulldozer does with a centipede is drive a larger load and it can operate on muddy or rocky ground.

Also, use is more flexible. Bulldozers have advantages, they were greater pace, without any equipment and without ruining the highway.

NO Tool Price
1 Bulldozer D20-3 Komatsu IDR 150.000 /Jam
2 Bulldozer D31E Komatsu IDR 155.000 /Jam
3 Bulldozer D65P Komatsu IDR 170.000 /Jam
4 Bulldozer D85 Komatsu IDR 185.000 /Jam

2. Excavators

Heavy Equipment Rental Near Me

The excavators are heavy equipment used to excavate large amounts of soil. The excavators have a characteristic shape with an arm part that is equipped with bucket.

Also, it can be used to move materials in trucks, load loads, and destroy buildings.

However, it should be noted that this heavy equipment cannot be used to transport materials over long distances.

Selection excavators must take into account the equipment’s abilities as well as the field.

The heavy instrument had several distinct varieties based on the part of it at the front.

But the whole thing has a wheelbarrow or a crawler. A crawler’s use of this heavy instrument was needed if the surface was under packed or coarse, and it did not require a large transfer.

This heavy device consists of several parts of it: bucket, bucket cylinders, boom, boom cylinders, arm, arm cylinder, tracker and cabin. Bucket’s function was to dredge up material from the soil.

Whereas bucket cylinders drive the bucket. Arm serves to thrust bucket up and down.

Boom ACTS as the main lever to move the arm up and down. The tracker works for the gear excavators and cabins to control the excavators.

No. Heavy Price Rent Minimun
1 Excavator Mini PC 40 IDR 160.000 /jam 50 Jam
2 Excavator Mini PC 50 IDR 160.000 /jam 50 Jam
3 Excavator Mini PC 75 IDR 170.000 /jam 50 Jam
4 Excavator PC 100 IDR 155.000 /jam 50 Jam
5 Excavator PC 200 IDR 195.000 /jam 50 Jam
6 Excavator Long Arm IDR 275.000 /jam 50 Jam

3. Wheel Loader and Track Loader

Heavy Equipment Rental Near Me

The wheel loader and the loader track are heavy equipment that has the same function as dozer, which is to move material from one tool to another at close range.

The difference lies in the bucket used, where the loader has a larger size.

That can accommodate a larger amount of materials. Generally, it USES this heavy equipment to transport materials from one place to the dump trucks.

Related: 17 Heavy Equipment Transport Companies

Wheel loader and track loader have a difference on the wheel used. If the wheel loader USES a rubber wheel, then track the loader USES a centipede foot or a crawler.

In addition to its use for moving materials, it can also be used to propel materials, flatten the ground, and demolish the top layer of the soil. The rental price of this heavy equipment is usually tailored to the need.

NO Heavy Merk Price
1 Wheel Loader 0,8M3 Komatsu WA-70 IDR 120.000 /jam
2 Wheel Loader 1,2M3 Komatsu WA-100 IDR 140.000 /jam
3 Wheel Loader 1,2M3 Komatsu WA-120 IDR 160.000 /jam
4 Wheel Loader 1,5M3 Komatsu WA-150 IDR 170.000 /jam
5 Wheel Loader 1,8M3 Komatsu WA-180 IDR 200.000 /jam
6 Wheel Loader 2,0M3 Komatsu WA-200 IDR 230.000 /jam
7 Wheel Loader 3,0M3 Komatsu WA-300 IDR 260.000 /jam
8 Wheel Loader 3,2M3 Komatsu WA-320 IDR 280.000 /jam

4. Motor Grader

Heavy Equipment Rental Near Me

This heavy implement used to flatten the ground in a mechanical manner.

It is used in such services as toppling, mixing and disseminating materials in the field, cutting and plumbing, and cutting to get the soil.

Additionally, this heavy equipment was used for the restoration of hedges.

It had a wheel loader shape, with a longer frame but no bucket. A grader bike was equipped with a knife in the middle (between the front wheel and the rear wheel).

This knife function is to flatten the ground when a grade bike is under way.

In addition, the knife can also be redefined by the Angle. This action resulted not only in the foreground but also in the lateral direction.

NO Name of Motor Grader MERK & TYPE Price
1 Motor Grader 125 HP CAT 120H IDR 170.000 /Jam
2 Motor Grader 135 HP Komatsu GD511 IDR 190.000 /Jam
3 Motor Grader 180 HP Komatsu GD655 IDR 250.000 /Jam

5. Dump Trucks

Heavy Equipment Rental Near Me

A dump truck is a truck-based vehicle with a larger capacity.

The function of this device is used to transport materials from one place to another at a greater distance.

The materials that are transported by these weights cover the soil, sand to rocks.

The large capacity of the selected truck depends on the time it takes to load the material into the truck.

There are two kinds of dump trucks that are used a lot. Some of them dump trucks to transport material limited to a muddy trail or is called an articulated dump truck (adc).

Whereas the second dump truck was off highway truck (oht), which was used to transport materials with enormous capacity, from 40 tons to 360 tons.

It should be noted that the excessive use of trucks is also economical.

Related: Heavy Equipment Movers

This would be the case if the device was disproportionate to the truck. Thus, the loader will wait even more.

Some of the smaller trucks, some of them faster in operating and more flexible for close-range transport.

Whereas the selection of large trucks had fewer units, loader loading was easier and was ideal for long distances.

  • Roller
  • Crane
  • Scraper
  • Asphalt Finisher
  • Concrete batching plant
  • Forklift

And so on

Heavy Equipment Lease List

NO Heavy Merk Price
1 Excavator Mini PC 40 All merk IDR 160.000 /jam
2 Excavator Mini PC 50 All merk IDR 160.000 /jam
3 Excavator Mini PC 75 All merk IDR 170.000 /jam
4 Excavator PC 100 All merk IDR 155.000 /jam
5 Excavator PC 200 All merk IDR 195.000 /jam
6 Wheel Loader 0,8M3 Komatsu WA-70 IDR 120.000 /jam
7 Wheel Loader 1,2M3 Komatsu WA-100 IDR 140.000 /jam
8 Wheel Loader 1,2M3 Komatsu WA-120 IDR 160.000 /jam
9 Wheel Loader 1,5M3 Komatsu WA-150 IDR 170.000 /jam
10 Wheel Loader 1,8M3 Komatsu WA-180 IDR 200.000 /jam
11 Wheel Loader 2,0M3 Komatsu WA-200 IDR 230.000 /jam
12 Wheel Loader 3,0M3 Komatsu WA-300 IDR 260.000 /jam
13 Wheel Loader 3,2M3 Komatsu WA-320 IDR 280.000 /jam
14 Bulldozer D20-3 Komatsu IDR 150.000 /jam
15 Bulldozer D31E Komatsu IDR 155.000 /jam
16 Bulldozer D65P Komatsu IDR 170.000 /jam
17 Bulldozer D85 Komatsu IDR 185.000 /jam
18 Motor Grader 125 HP CAT 120H IDR 170.000 /Jam
19 Motor Grader 135 HP Komatsu GD511 IDR 190.000 /Jam
20 Motor Grader 180 HP Komatsu GD655 IDR 250.000 /Jam
21 Crane Kapasitas 30-35 ton IDR 350.000 /Jam
22 Crawler Crane 10-15 ton IDR 3.900.000 /8Jam
23 Roughter Crane 10 ton IDR 5.500.000 /Shift


With the lease of this heavy equipment, project work especially building and roads would be easier.

As a roller used to compress the ground or asphalt.

Available like a small roller called a baby roller.

Where these compactors have an advantage that’s smaller in size than any other roller.

That way you could find out whatever heavy equipment rental near me was like the upstairs explanation.

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